Change Your World

1 Dec

Would you like to change your world? Not the world, but your world. Then you should run for school board!

How does the school board effect your life? Here’s a short list

  • competency of employees where you shop
  • quality of people available for hire
  • types of industry in your local economy
  • strength of your local economy
  • safety of your neighborhood
  • your property tax rate

All of the above impact your life whether you have children in the school system or not.

Here’s some more questions. What does this bond issue on your ballot really mean? Why is your kid’s teacher getting laid off?  Does your high school football team pay for itself or is it a drain on your district? How can we have accountability but not just teach to the test?

If any of these strike a chord with you, you should start attending your local school board meetings and consider running for school board. Here in Oklahoma the filing dates are December 5th, 6th, and 7th. You file at your county election board, which will be in your county seat. Here’s an Oklahoma manual and an inspiring story. If you want any help with using social media in your campaign for school board let me know!

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